Each new creation goes through stages of development, from immaterial to material. It first exists as an idea. In thoughts, the notion develops into a concept, from concept to design on paper or model to concrete implementation and manifesting the original vision.
Without exception, we all originate from the profound Cosmic Inspiration Field. This field, the cradle of Cosmic Consciousness, is the very source of the Soul, the fundamental reason for the existence of every human Being.
There comes a pivotal moment in each Soul’s evolution when the memory of its lineage surfaces in Consciousness, sparking a profound yearning for a reunion with that cosmic state of Being.
Extend beyond time and space. Stretch beyond the illusions of the values of the tangible world. Grow beyond the illusion of the subjective perception of the (physical) senses and the illusion of comparing and valuing each other’s success, happiness, and short-term pleasures.
The veils of illusions divide the world and humanity, create distance and hierarchy in our minds, and tempt us to rise above others instead of ourselves.
Every person is unique and has an individual perception of the world. Regardless of who or what we are, we find each other in the Cosmic Field; herein lies our collective universality and Cosmic Fellowship and Cooperation.