Intuition (and instinct)

There is a difference between Intuition and Instinct. An instinct is an immediate automatic response to a specific external stimulus. Instinct prompts the immediate fight or flight action. Intuition is of a different order.

Intuition is inner ‘knowing’ without involving logical thinking. Intuition works immediately in realizing or seeing through something or someone. Whether the intuitive insight is correct depends on the ‘purity’ of the intuitive reception.

What is ‘purity’ of intuitive reception?

Every perception is based on inner resonance and reflection, and so an intuitive perception has everything to do with profound self-knowledge and especially with understanding one’s pitfalls, hidden issues, and translations of internally used symbolism.

With one’s inner doors opening, the internal view and perception expand. The more the inner universe is stripped of noise from the outside world AND of all inner convictions and beliefs, the purer the perception.


Intuitive perception involves subtle sensing through feeling.

Intuitive perception has little to do with the brain and the mental air principle of the (logical) mind.


Test, test, test

Sharpening intuition requires constant testing against reality. Testing intuitive perceptions can be difficult and tedious; it comes down to intuitive multitasking, where one is both intuitively open to subtle hunches, maintains concentration in the here and now, and can also observe whether the inner translation has turned out to be correct! This internal training works best if you can enjoy the performance and see it as a challenge to perform under increasingly complex circumstances. Ambition, urge to achieve, or coercion is counterproductive!

The value of intention and motivation – you push your own limits

The value of intention and motivation is everything. Everything that you practice with love, attention, and care has the potential to multiply. When the self takes a step back, the intuition widens one step. Thus, Selfish motives come to light naturally, and it is up to you whether you recognize and sacrifice them to make another significant intuitive step forward.

Q: What do you think about ‘creating’ or the attraction of money? Does that also fall under the use of intuition?

If someone wants to attract money, a partner, property, or something like that, ask yourself the underlying need. Unfulfilled needs cloud the inner mirror; they influence and impure your intuitive reception.
