Q: How do we become free while waiting in the matrix?
A: There is no perfect Freedom while any of one’s vehicles of consciousness are vibrating in the matrix, in duality, in an illusion, in the undivine – because unreal – universe of space and time. Perfect Freedom may only be fully realised at the time of ascension/transfiguration, which is an existential disappearance from the temporal universe. However, in order to make things bearable and even purposeful while waiting in the matrix, as you say, one’s attitude and emotional/mental disposition must be correct.
The mind needs to be very on-guard with regard to the matrix of self: clear and keenly distinguishing, like a sword, while the emotional body has to make no distinction between good and evil, right and wrong, heaven and hell.
The mind has to be discriminating between what is Holy and what is fallen, but if the astral body engages in the vacillations of desire/aversion, the human microcosm as a whole will become caught up in the delusions of this world.
So we must be utterly non-discriminating with our emotions accepting, allowing, acquiescent, while being very discriminative with the mind as to what is real and what is not.
Few people are able to achieve such a balance, and it cannot be done as long as one identifies with oneself as a separate being.
Now, many people today are working on acceptance issues, forgiveness, respect, etc. This is work on the astral level of consciousness.
They are working at letting go, ‘letting it be’ and even finding God in everything. This is the mystical path.
Yet without the possession of a Gnostic awareness (derived from Knowledge and right Discrimination) illuminating their head sanctuary, they cannot yet see perfectly clearly and so they are not yet ready for Deliverance, no matter how mystically balanced they become in the astral consciousness.
So they are only half baked, half ripe.
They are still at play in the illusion, not finished with duality, and so they cannot enter the Ark of Christ in these times.
They must return to the physical world via the process of reincarnation for further experience.
And the man with Gnostic understanding but who does not make peace astrally/emotionally with the matrix must also return.
Both types have not yet balanced the male/female within and cannot return to the divine Universe until they have.
So the astral or mystical types are unable to discern between the fallen, undivine state (the material, astral and mental illusions) and the divine Universe (Reality), and so are looking at an illusion and having faith that it is also divine, when it is not, for it is not even real.
Divinity is rather just behind the illusions of physical, astral and mental matter, but due to a lack of ‘the light in the head’ the astral types are not aware of this. They cannot recognise it. They are undeveloped mentally.
However, the educated and illumined mind of man knows it is all illusion, yet his astral-feminine nature must be simultaneously fully accepting of the matrix-illusion, looking to its essential roots in the Divine.
The astral nature must be neutral, limpid, still, not swinging with desire or aversion, while the mental nature must be clear about what is illusion and what is Real.
Many people involved in New Age spirituality, for example (but not exclusively, of course), for the most part do not have full and clear Knowledge or therefore Discernment of the other Kingdom, the divine Universe, of which this world is but an ephemeral reflection. They do not understand the nature of the two universes: the Divine and the temporal, and they have yet to reconcile the two.
They are caught mentally, therefore, in the reflection-sphere currents of illusion, which they believe to be real, even Divine.
Illusion is a glamour of the mind.
So, the astral body has to make no distinction about the difference between heaven and hell…but the mind/mental body does.
We must know in the mind, therefore, that all is illusion here in the matrix, while seeing God in all with the astral nature.
This is how yin and yang are balanced within.
So whenever a man has an aversion (emotional reaction) to the illusion, having understood the illusion mentally, it means he is not yet done with duality.
Yet if a man is at relative peace with the matrix, if he has made peace with this world emotionally but still identifies with it as being real, having Substance, then he is still not done with the illusion and so remains a prisoner of the matrix. Hence he cannot yet be liberated from suffering by the Grace of Christ since he has not fully prepared his grail.
We must come to fully comprehend the nature of Lucifer’s* realm – the matrix – but be okay with it anyway.
* Lucifer – false light.
This is how the Father and Mother aspects in us operate together harmoniously as one. And as it says in the Gospel of Thomas “When we make the two into one..then we enter the Kingdom.” – Jesus.
This is how yin and yang express together in healthy relationship within.
They each understand one another. And they are not at odds, but co-operative.
However, it appears that they are at odds to many people, and indeed it is that way on Earth for many. Hence all the suffering of mankind.
The mental types very often have a repugnance for the matrix. This is a trap.
And the astral types want to love the matrix and make of it a heaven, which is also imbalanced and impossible.
Loving it all is mother, astral.
Repudiating the reality of the matrix is father’s righteous reason, mental.
Both are valid and necessary.
The ‘war’ that father declares on the matrix must not be an emotional affair. If it becomes emotional, then Adam becomes lost. It must be just a discerning thing, without a charge, neutral. Adam must wield his sword of discrimination like a trained Samurai warrior, without caring whether he wins or loses.
But when Adam tries to slay the many-headed hydra of samsara (illusion) armed with only the sword of discrimination, with desire and without acceptance of whatever is, many new heads appear.
Adam also needs Eve’s loving acceptance for the matrix in order to become, like God, both transcendent and immanent.
And, of course, Eve needs the Adam in herself, the sword of mental discrimination and will, in order to be balanced.
By applying both loving acceptance and righteous discrimination while in the matrix, we may know a relative rest and balance during the waiting period pending the forthcoming Rapture, which is the Grace of Christ received by the prepared human temple.
Next: The Call to Service