THERE IS AN OLD FABLE THAT TELLS OF THE EVENTS surrounding a certain Mother Hen who lived on a farm . . .
Now, Mother Hen wished to bake a cake for all the farm animals to enjoy, and being rather an astute and equitable fowl, she decided to appeal for some help in its preparation.
So she first approached Ermitrude the cow with her invitation to help, but, somewhat irritated, Ermitrude replied, “Moo! Can you not see that I am presently engaged in chomping this wonderfully lush green grass, garnished with daisies? I could not possibly risk forsaking this happy opportunity to dine just to help you make a cake.”
Undaunted, Mother Hen soon afterwards espied Ferdinand the fox, eying her surreptitiously from behind a tree. She decided that discretion might be the better part of valour, and greeted him courteously yet vigilantly with her most reasonable request. Ferdinand responded in a rather contemplative and cool manner, “Hmmm,” he mused. “If I help you to make a cake, then I shall have much less time to hunt for my vixen and cubs; a very demanding responsibility, of course, and one that requires much forward planning, careful rumination and adequate reflection. No, I need all my time, Mother Hen, and care not to waste any of it in pursuing mere trifles. However, there was something else I wanted to speak with you about . . . !”
Somewhat discomposed, Mother Hen ventured hastily forth from her rather apprehensive encounter with Ferdinand the fox, and presently encountered Derek, the farm’s guard-dog, basking in the sun. “Hello Derek!” she clucked. “Will you help me make a cake for us all to eat for dinner tonight?”
Derek lazily managed to lift one eyelid, growled in lethargic disapproval at being disturbed, and proceeded to shift himself into a more comfortable position where he resumed his restful duty . . . .
The fable continues similarly and at length (as most fables are wont to do) as Mother Hen continues upon her righteous quest around the farmyard, attempting diligently to muster some assistance in order to make her cake. She meets with like excuses and unhelpful responses from Selena the sow, Herbert the horse and indeed all the other farmyard animals whom she politely entreats, including the inhabitants of her very own chicken coop, who all seemed far more interested in pecking at the ground than in baking a cake.
Rather flustered and in less than fine feather, Mother Hen is circumstantially compelled to toil alone for the rest of that day. However, the prize for her tenacious labours is splendid indeed, and a great big mouth-watering cake is born by dinner time at six o’ clock.
Now, Mother Hen was certainly not a resentful or spiteful bird in any way, but she felt that it was her duty to teach the farm animals an important lesson. So she triumphantly took up the freshly baked, aromatic cake and wandered around the farmyard trumpeting proudly about her great achievement, and asking of everyone, “Now, who will help me eat this wonderfully tasty cake that I have baked all alone?”
With the greatest zeal, ALL the animals in the farmyard volunteered to assist Mother Hen in this most appealing task, but with a curt flutter of her wings, a dismissing wave of her rear feathers, and evincing a rehearsed air of indignation, she raked the ground beneath her feet and casually retorted, “I sounded the call, but no one came forth. Thus, since none of you have offered to help me create this most appetising delicacy, then none of you are eligible to help me eat it either!”
Mother Hen proceeded that fair evening to enjoy a great feast, together with all her chicks.
* * *
The searchlights of the many divine Agents who are assisting in the world-transformation are today sweeping the planet, singling out men and women who indicate spiritual potential and who bear a genuine love of humanity, of truth and of righteousness in their hearts. Their Call is being sounded worldwide from the inner side of life in order to rouse those who recognise something of the Divine Plan for mankind. It summons to activity all who are ready to gather together in order to realise the tremendous opportunities available at this time, and to share them openly for the good of all.
Servers in spirit have during the past decades been progressively stepping up the urgency of their all-important message. In the relatively recent past numerous channelled messages and telepathically-transmitted volumes have spoken to humanity from the hidden worlds. Now, specially designated members of both the spiritual Hierarchy of Earth and those of other world systems are themselves incarnating amongst us with very definite physical-plane missions. Such are these climactic times upon the planet, times that necessarily call for the complete co-operation and selfless dedication of humanity.
Many people, however, casually browse through information such as you are now reading and afterwards smugly assert to themselves and others that they already know all about the global transition. Demonstrating an air of self-satisfaction and even established authority, they often proceed to make absolutely no change in their lives whatsoever, lives that may be selfish and which are in these times, therefore, very precarious. Though not really surprising, such responses are ever a cause of concern for the discerning onlooker, for it is well understood that in order for success to be known, each person must absolutely remain humble, open, selfless, sympathetic and amenable during the period preceding the Harvest Time.
“Men hear my words and understand them not, and then the carnal self purloins the seed, and not a sign of spirit life appears. Others hear the words of life, and with a fiery zeal receive them all; they seem to comprehend the truth and promise well, but troubles come, discouragements arise, there is no depth of thought; their good intentions wither up and die. These are the seeds that fell on stony ground. Others hear the words of truth and seem to know their worth, but love of pleasure, reputation, wealth and fame fill all the soil; the seeds are nourished not and they are lost. But others hear the words of truth and comprehend them well; they sink down deep into their souls; they live the holy life and all the world is blessed.” – Jesus.
Only that which we really know for ourselves becomes inherent faculty. The statements of a teaching, no matter how profoundly wise that teaching may be, will remain as but mental concepts until they are experientially a part of our lives. There is a tremendous distinction between accepting and understanding a truth intellectually and really living that truth in one’s life; there is a very marked difference between common religiosity and true spirituality. If a man believes that he already knows best, then his cup is full and he can learn nothing new. Yet there is, of course, very much indeed in the world today that is new, and which is most worthy of an attentive and unassuming ear. Convictions are often a greater enemy of the truth than are lies. The ego always likes to think that it knows best and need not change or do anything special, and is most disposed to liberally broadcast its error, thereby spreading falsehood and confusion abroad by its wrong conviction. The rapidly approaching planetary deadline demands that such ignorant attitudes be transformed if successful emergence into the New World is to ensue.
The typical and clearly partially-informed attitude of the average so-called New Age person today affirms complacently the narrow belief that nothing special need be done, and that all grace will be bestowed in good time upon everyone alike without the need to make any effort whatsoever. This idea is absolutely untrue. Spiritual growth upon Earth progresses only in accord with the Law of Free Will. In passively allowing ourselves to be moulded by our surroundings, we ordinarily become, more or less, a product of our environment. Unless and until we make a conscious effort to rise above the norm, we shall inevitably remain programmed and limited by the established standards of our society. Such efforts may be observed in many adolescents as the soul attempts to motivate the developing personality to seek something higher than the extreme spiritual inertia that is demonstrated by the mass-consciousness. These natural impulses to transcend the mediocrity of modern society are most often considered as ‘normal teenage rebellious behaviour’, and are, therefore, treated accordingly. The ensuing suppression or condemnation from ‘superiors’ usually results in eventual conformity for the individual concerned and consequently a spiritually dull and unremarkable life. However, at this vital juncture in human development, should we remain inert, making no decisions, eliciting no action of our own volition and, therefore, allowing our will to abide in dormancy, then the Law of Recompense will remain at best neutral for us, and consequently nothing spiritually positive is going to come our way. Indeed, considering the general level of selfishness and negativity that abounds in the world today, as well as its infectious nature, just the opposite is likely to ensue. The sober individual may wish to seriously contemplate just how it may feel at the time of the Great Shift to experience a tremendous torrent of high-frequency energy as it surges through an unprepared personality who is host to numerous psychological and emotional impurities. This likelihood is today looming upon mankind’s horizon, and is closer than most of us might like to believe.
If we do not awaken to the requirements that demand our attention and warranted discriminating activity today, then more severe measures will be appropriated for us by natural law. If we fail to demonstrate a timely and pertinent response to the intensifying hints in our lives, then let us not cry with surprise when eventually sledgehammers begin to fall! Just one seriously inappropriate choice in these times of acceleration and crisis may initiate karmic ramifications that could permanently close the door of opportunity. In addition, one day of selfishness may create the need for a great many more days of karmic redemption during the ever-decreasing time leading up to Judgement Day.
Adequate warning has been given to every soul repeatedly over numerous incarnations: “Prepare ye! O prepare! for the Kingdom is at hand”, yet still today humanity typically chooses pain as its teacher instead of love. Perhaps many will not believe the truth of the times until their familiar, comfortable but redundant reality begins to collapse all about them. Mostly, mankind will be forced to learn hard but necessary lessons during the coming upheavals, while those who see and understand will bide their time with discernment in usefulness as they await the Harvest Time in knowing anticipation. The years that lie immediately ahead may appear awful and devastating to secular vision, yet seen by the eyes of the divinely-aligned soul they will be recognised to be pregnant with the power of justice and righteousness. The urgently needed cleansing of the whole planet will include a torrential inrush of divine Light that will overwhelm and blind those who are unprepared, but will fill those who are ready with unsurpassed elation as they rejoice at the unveiled Truth. The one great enemy of Truth is self. Therefore, peril, regret, fear and dread lie ahead only for those who harbour the evil of selfishness, for mirrors line the way.
All those souls – whether incarnate or discarnate – who are residing upon the physical plane or within the subtle densities that interpenetrate and surround planet Earth, and who are responsible for creating disharmony, injustice, etc. in this, their current or previous incarnations, will presently be redressed, not by mankind’s judgement, but by the strong and just hand of karmic law. It is especially imperative at this time to understand why we should never fight evil, for such violence only compounds our own problem. Rebellious thoughts of any kind harm the thinker and dissipate the power to overcome iniquity by righteousness. All aggressive reactions must be stayed, for in such reaction the truth of any situation can no longer be seen, and the aggressor becomes blinded to reality. As dispassionate witnesses, let the wise be an example to all in these “testing times” as they observe the unfolding of the Destiny of Ages. As we procure the life-raft of contemporary understanding, may we remain afloat during the coming tidal-floods of planetary cleansing by nurturing harmlessness and goodwill for the family of humanity.
* * *
The present waiting period preceding the time of the Great Shift provides a perfect opportunity for all those individuals with potential for harvest to prepare themselves by seeking, learning and, therefore, unfolding spiritually at a very quick pace. Such expeditious growth is possible due to the Aquarian energies that are flooding the planet, and also courtesy of the unprecedented assistance waiting to be given by divine Agents to all those who sincerely ask and who abide in selfless service. However, when the waiting period is over and the planetary deadline has arrived, events will appear to be moving so rapidly for most people that those who have not prepared themselves sufficiently will find that amidst the confusion and pandemonium they have no possibility to reflect upon and so rectify their failure to act expediently in good time.
Now is the time to prepare, and to prepare intelligently. This means more than merely reading a few New Age books and becoming self-satisfied in the erroneous idea that all good things will arrive in our laps effortlessly, and that we only need to wait and pray! The most critical advice in the world is today being trumpeted in all open ears by every single angel who is concerned with, and in attendance to, the greatest step ever taken by mankind on Earth: “Humanity, with all your getting, get understanding”.
The new call to world salvage has gone out, and many people today are beginning to respond in various ways. Motives are usually mixed and response is frequently inspired by a desire for personal progress, recognition, aggrandisement, etc. Such reactions are at this particular time greatly complicating the call to action, and they are bringing about the fulfilment of the New Testament prophecy that at the time of the end there will be much distortion of the truth concerning the spread of the Christ-Consciousness, which shall be the crowning glory of the Great Transition.
The responsibility for appropriate action and effort to reach others with important and contemporary information rests upon the shoulders of those who see and who therefore understand. Dedicated assistance from mankind is a prerequisite if planetary upheavals are to be attenuated. The Earth’s spiritual Elders are today inviting humanity to emerge from the wilderness of its selfish inertia for the sake of a world in need of healing. It is our time for which the great spiritual Hierarchies are today calling, it is our practical activity and skill that are required to aid all those who can be assisted, it is our charity and love which are so vitally needed, not only as a balm for the wounds of mankind, but also, and more importantly, for the dissemination of required and contemporary spiritual education and truly helpful guidance. It is our service that is demanded by prevailing conditions in order to facilitate contact with all those who are interested in joining together to contribute toward that which must be achieved. It is our selfless meditation, inspiration, inner and outerdevotion and invocation that shall construct the channel through which the New Spirit may enter the physical plane. Great pain and suffering may be avoided in the immediate future by the acquisition of a true understanding of today’s climactic circumstances, and the consequent application of that understanding in daily life.
The day of opportunity is with us, but it has its term. Today’s unprecedented occasion, full of grace, is not forever lasting and will not dawn again for all those rejected souls for many thousands of years. The goals and purposes of the Divine Plan for this closing period of the Piscean age will come to an ultimate conclusion, and soon. The planetary time-clock will presently strike the hour, sounding the end of this cycle. At that moment those who are ready to receive the descent of higher frequencies will rise and prevail as they experience a victory of ages, and as the Earth passes into the glory of a more beautiful and expansive expression.
“The wicked of the Earth will weep when they shall see the son of God come down upon the clouds of heaven, in power. Take heed you, O take heed, for you know not the hour nor the day when comes the son of God. Let not your hearts be overcharged with sensuous things, nor with the cares of life, lest that day come and find you unprepared. Keep watch at every season of the year; and pray that you may meet the Lord with joy and not with grief.” – Jesus
The Divine Plan for Earth cannot fail, for it is in perfect accord with the Great Scheme of Evolution designed by the Universal Architect; therefore it must and will go ahead. The new age will bring in a civilisation, culture and fresh spirituality that shall be utterly different to anything hitherto known. All those of humanity who aspire to take their rightful place before the presently widening portal of opportunity that leads into the magnificence of the New World should ensure today that they are aware, dedicated, actively useful and so prepared.
Opportunity has been given by the invisible Servants of the race upon the inner side of life, and they now await humanity’s active and positive response to their Call. They are watching lovingly, patiently and enthusiastically, and remain ever attentive to and supportive of all sincere efforts made toward aiding in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, in the anchoring of the new energies upon Earth, and in the expeditious preparation for the imminent birth of the New World. These Great Beings are today poised above the planet, as it were, ready to activate the further inpouring of love, wisdom, light and healing force for the good of mankind. Receptivity is dependent upon a righteous and selfless attitude, and the prompt, positive and altruistic action of those who are aware and ready.
* * *
This is not merely just another book of exciting New Age information . . .
T H I S I S Y O U R C A L L T O A C T I O N !
It is a most pertinent truism for today, more than ever before, that “many are called, but few are chosen”. This is so due to a pervasive absence worldwide of a true appreciation of the gravity and opportunity of the times. Most people hear the call on some level – just as you are now – but they remain unchosen simply because they fail to respond positively to that call; they therefore exclude themselves from the promised glory.
When the false securities of the world that people have habitually cleaved to for so long begin to crumble around them, they shall not have the time nor the relaxed disposition to learn and integrate into their lives thetimely lessons and principles expounded herein.
Now is your chance to make an intelligent and critical decision of your own volition, and before impending circumstances render that choice impossible for you.
Now is the perfect moment to embark uncompromisingly upon the path of understanding, and so prepare adequately for that which lies ahead.
Your immediate choices will shape the destiny of your own soul, and that of the world. Remember, everything is connected, and everyone is needed and has a role to play. Upon the great voyage into the new world there are no passengers; everyone is crew!
The New Call stresses emphatically its invitation for appropriate action. The greater message is: seek, get understanding, assemble, purify, prepare together, and invest yourself fully, without compromise, in some form of service to the world.
You now hold the map to spiritual success in your hands, but remember: the map is not the territory.
Next: The Final Liberation