The Harvest Available to All

FROM A SPIRITUAL TEACHER: “I find your teachings to be of such an elevated level that only initiates could possibly follow them. We still live in a world where most people are being solicited with brainwashing techniques that derive their power from the ego. And because of this fallen state, many are unable to discern rightly between the laws of ignorance and the Law of One. It is this confusion that has paralysed the outer man/old man from accessing the inner man/new man, i.e., the Christed One. Because of the multi-perceptions that penetrate Earthly consciousness in the darkness here and now with overload material, few are able to separate the wheat from the tears, and because of this a great lack remains. So let us be patient with all, even though the time heralded is approaching, realising that each one’s growth must manifest, as you rightly know, from within. And until this deliverance occurs, many will remain swayed by the law of duality, of good and evil, unable to perceive the higher order of things.”

We understand what you say and why, and to a degree we are in concurrence. However, may we suggest that the unprecedented degree of today’s Grace is being very much underestimated by the vast majority of people in the world due to what they believe. If we believe that we are not worthy to attain Liberation (either the lesser or the True Harvest), then even a thousand Buddhas cannot help us. However, where there is true Faith and righteously-motivated supplication to the divine Spirit in self-forgetfulness and selfless service to the One Life in all, then we should indeed expect to behold a major personal ‘miracle’ in these times. Do not doubt it, and with love and respect always, please beware of spreading such doubt in the minds of others, even tacitly in thought.

“If doubt and fear should stop us in the middle of the road, we would hear only ridicule from the voices of the night, but if we reach the mountain peak bravely we shall join the heavenly spirits in songs of triumph and joy.” – Kahlil Gibran.

“Behold the great key-keeper of the age has turned the key; the mighty gates fly wide and all who will may greet the King. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see the King. Take heed! Be strong in mind; be pure in heart; be vigilant in helpfulness; the Kingdom is at hand.” – Jesus.

Jesus’ above assurance given 2,000 years ago is even more relevant to today’s forthcoming event, for as you know, history repeats itself, and today the Aquarian Passion Play is a worldwide development. Please note that Jesus does not say: “Blessed are those who have reached initiate status, for they shall see the king.” No. The equation is a rather more simple and definitely more benevolent one in these remarkable times; indeed, it is unprecedented for Earth. Such Grace has never before approached this planet.

Please let me explain further, for it is so vital that we come to appreciate what is being offered us in these times. The emergence of the Aquarian Christine Consciousness in many around the world today is a tremendous act of compassion by Servers of the Divine Plan, many of whom are Christ- Hierophants, though still veiled from the eyes of most, and who are right now offering to take the majority of humanity’s karma onto their own shoulders and to transmute it. This can only be done, of course, with the consent of humanity itself. Such consent must take the form of willingness, faith and surrender. It can certainly not happen in disbelief or feelings of unworthiness. Christ loves us all equally; initiates, aspirants, alcoholics, prostitutes and yes, even your much- written-about ‘shadowlords’ themselves! It is, of course, only through Love (and intelligent Will) that these wayward brothers of shadow may be conquered, never by antagonism. For let us not forget that they are still our brothers, even though lost for ages in the darkest night. Love conquers all. To withhold Love from any being in the universe is to vivify the illusion of separation and ultimately to become ourselves like the brothers of shadow.

Now, if your own beloved children proved to you that they would repent and reform, would you not wish to immediately relieve them of their prison-sentence and deliver them safely back Home? How much more, then, would the Love of Christ do for His lost children? These words are not born of a whimsical or utopian dream; they are derived from remembrance of the Plan for this stage of Earth and mankind’s spiritual progress. If ours were not such incredibly special times, why then would all the various prophecies (and there are so many) be pointing toward this very moment, and why all the celestial, extraterrestrial and ultraterrestrial attention upon Earth? Do we really know so much about Infinity to be bold enough to declare that a certain thing is impossible?

You may have some difficulty in accepting this next statement to begin with, but a fallen soul may reach the minimum vibratory level required for harvest in these times in the twinkling of an eye. Such is the gravity and wondrous opportunity that is being offered to everyone today, without exception, and such is the overwhelming and impersonal Love and Compassion of the Aquarian Christ. If this ‘miracle’ were not possible, then the Christ would not be here on Earth, for Christ is no unintelligent and wishful thinker!

The only reason that human beings may not see the King in these “end times” is because they choose not to repent and to walk the Path. The only reason that human beings will experience the Grace of Christ as terrible, destructive and not Liberating and Blessed is because they choose to remain selfish and spiritually inert. It is all just a matter of choice.

In order to derive a clearer appreciation of the veracity of humanity’s glorious opportunity today courtesy of the ineffable Intelligence and Love of Christ, we could compare mankind’s present situation with that of an Earthly school. Humanity – the children in the school – have, of course, during their studies over the past training period, not been performing too well! In the earlier stages of their school-years the end-of-term examinations were relatively difficult, and most Earthbound pupils of Life failed to make the grade. Hence they had to re-sit the examination at the end of the following term. However, come the end of a major term of training at school, the Headmaster (Christ) decides to lighten the load of the pupils by assisting them all on an unparalleled level. In other words, the Headmaster concedes to take a large part of the end-of-term examination himself in order that more of his beloved pupils may graduate, at least to the next grade, if not all the way to professorship! 

The taking of part of the examination by the Headmaster does not remove the need for the pupils to learn their own lessons, for this is an immutable universal law, the Law of Karma. It merely corrects their mistakes, as it were, in a very deliberate and conclusive way. The correcting of mistakes is analogous to the removal of karma in order that the pupils’ previously-scaled eyes may again regard the school’s syllabus with clear perception and appreciation of its purpose and value, while simultaneously being promoted to the next level. This is not a free promotion, of course; the Christine intervention just makes things very much easier to ascend in consciousness. It is thus that the New Humanity will be born in the New World.

Finally, it may well be that you and, of course, many others like you have incarnated to contribute a ‘lower’ (not lesser) stone in the One Pyramidal Work of World Redemption. Without the lower and foundation stones, the Capstone work cannot be completed, and without the Capstone, the foundation work of the pyramid is useless. We need one another, for it is now time for all the building blocks that constitute the New World Pyramid to consciously and intelligently collaborate. It is time to know about one another on the physical plane and to work together as One for the greatest good of all. We have recognised you and your particular Pyramid stone; have you yet recognised ours?

Let us now all go out into the quarry together. There is much building work to be done, but in looking up and out in the same direction, many hands, heads and hearts make light work. Only in divine synergy may we know Victory.

Next: The Way of Grace