The Second Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a complex process of awareness and acceptance of one’s qualities and shortcomings in time and space, the incarnation. The first awareness is the relationship with the other, the group, the outside world, and their mirror role*. The mirror function operates through resonance, meaning one initially depends on the group leader for spiritual growth. However, the group may eventually cease to provide a challenge and hinder further development.

*The inner mirror reflects. The reflection in the mirror represents qualities. If it reflects positive traits, the relationship feels comfortable. If it shows a flaw, the connection presents an opportunity to acknowledge and accept the perceived shortcoming. Challenges offer growth and development opportunities!

Spiritual processes go through many stages and lives in which different facets are explored. In addition, many sources, religions, and spiritual movements use other rules, dogmas, and names for (probably) the same things. When the heart is truly awakened, one realizes there must be a universal Soul source and, therefore, a universal spiritual truth that unites all people spiritually: the Cosmic Soul.

The earnest spiritual seeker and aspiring disciple discovers the artificial ceiling in consciousness. This ceiling, the higher self, consists of dogmas, teachings, and beliefs of the religion or New Age spirituality they are affiliated with. The higher self field is specific and lacks universality. Leadership here even expects people to adhere to all rules of conduct and dogmatic norms. This is fine, but the disciple’s goal is the universal Cosmic Soul, the Spirit from which he came and for which he longs to return. The second awakening is the awareness of his longing and his positive response.

Sometimes, it comes like a bolt from the blue; consciousness has a moment of clear insight into the nature of the artificial spiritual ceiling and human nature. One suddenly realizes the hypnotic, claiming, and manipulative nature of what one once fervently professed and recognizes this in others. The shocking realization is that these consciousness-clouding qualities resonate in every human being! We share these qualities with everyone and exist in our group members. This insight can lead to a moment of reflection and choice.

You may want to teach your fellow group members, but only a few people have such a keen insight about the artificial ceiling, and any attempt to educate them wastes energy. The Path of the Soul is an inner path; You open all the inner gates yourself. Devoted disciples recognize each other mainly by what they radiate. Once you understand how the artificial ceiling works, you only have one thing left: look for the Cosmic Soul resonance of a group of like-minded people on the way to the path of the Soul.

Q: How can I recognize the Cosmic Soul field?

A: You significantly recognize what it is not!

The enthusiastic adoration of followers at a guru meeting can be contagious, creating an atmosphere where someone can quickly lose themselves and surrender. The Archetypal 5th field is the facade, or artificial ego, of spirituality and religion, which thrives on having followers. The guru gains status and power through their followers.

Self-knowledge through inner work increases psychological insight and sensitivity to this Archetypal field’s subtle manipulation and coercion.

The Cosmic Soul serves the All. It is unconditional, all-encompassing, and is not of this world. The aspiring disciple familiar with inner work can perceive the Cosmic Soul in the heart center. It is best to continue meditating and expand one’s meditative attention in the present moment until one finds kindred spirits.

Does this information appeal to you, and do you feel a connection? Please feel free to reach out.

Ⓒ Cosmic Soul